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  It really depends on lots of factors. What are you branding. Does it have a huge volume of competition or a completely new product/service. How good are you and your team on sales and marketing. How well you advertise your products/services. How fast you scale up your product/service. Does you product relates to the customer or not. Does your product/service solve any issues globally or locally or digitally. So it depends on not only the above factors but also much more factors like the people on your team how good they are etc.., Therefore it clearly depends on how fast you wanna go considering all the factors above. Branding is really useful and a must on your business. If you wanna know more about social medial marketing and how to use Youtube for your business check it out on my blog. HOW TO USE YOUTUBE FOR YOUR BUSINESS OR MAKING MONEY OUT OF YOUTUBE  In our generation one way to make money by doing what your love is through youtube . We can express ourselves as we want we can s



8 ways to grow your business

Generating new business by growing your customer base is important to your business success. However, it can sometimes be very challenging.

Here are some practical tips to help you grow your customer base.

1. Get to know your customers

Understand your customer's needs and develop products and services that meet those needs. You can gain insight into your customers by personalizing your services and encouraging them to provide you with feedback.

2. Offer great customer service

Ensure your customer service is exceptional and go the extra mile when you can. Your customers will not only remember great service they will also be more likely to refer other people to you.

3. Nurture existing customers and look for new opportunities

Have strategies in place to nurture existing customers, such as staying in contact with them via an e-newsletter or letting them know about promotional events ahead of time. 

At the same time, look for opportunities to get more work and build your customer base. Make sure you find the right balance between nurturing customers and finding new ones.

If you own or operate an Aboriginal business you can also promote your business by taking advantage of a free listing on the Aboriginal Business Directory Western Australia (ABDWA). An increasing number of State Government and private organisations are looking to work with Aboriginal businesses and use the directory to search for relevant suppliers. 

4. Use social media

Social media is a powerful tool to promote your business to potential customers and gain valuable insight through ‘social listening’. Through social listening you can find out what customers are saying about you, gain insight into their behaviour, identify keywords and trends that appeal to your target market and so improve your customer service. Social media can help you to build your business profile and attract new customers.

5. Attend networking events

Invest time to build your networks – it’s not what you know but who you know.

Networking allows you to build relationships with other people and encourage them to refer customers to you through word of mouth.

6. Host events

Hosting your own event can be a great way to get to know your customers and build relationships. Invite some of your best existing customers and encourage them to bring their friends.

7. Give back to your community

Building brand awareness in your local community is a great way to attract new business. Consider sponsorship or participating in a community event to raise your business profile.

8. Measure what works and refine your approach as you go

You should monitor where your customers are coming from in order to measure whether your marketing activities are successful or not. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Refine your approach if something is not working and focus more time on the activities that achieve the best results.


 The most important of them all is to advertise your product /  service to your customer and the best way to do so is through E-Mail Marketing.

Why - because all the people who are doing business and not doing business people who work or even  people who are not working has an E-Mail.

Therefore the most effective and affordable advertising network is E-Mail Marketing.

And that is why you should have this tool the best product in the market and also my favorite tool Get Response.

Why Get Response why not other E-Mail Marketing Tools or Products?

Get Response is by far the only email marketing platform that has built-in webinar capabilities. What makes it even better is it works well with its other features to make setting up your webinars much easier as opposed to using a third-party tool.

Get Response is an all-in-one marketing platform which, as well as email marketing, offers landing pages, a CRM and advanced automations. We rank them pretty favorably due to their range of advanced features.

What would be the cost of Get Response to start with?

Get Response's pricing starts at $15/month for up to 1,000 subscribers (Basic Plan). If you have more contacts, you can get 2,500 for $25/month or 10,000 for $65/month.

To Start to promote your business with E-Mail Marketing in the most efficient way is to do it by Get Response easy reliable and more sales.

You can double click on the link to start with


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